Hong Kong's Cultural Heritage is unique and irreplaceable. Three non-profit/charity organisations, one academic institution, and one urban planner/architect give a joint exhibition at a heritage centre to take a thematic look at Hong Kong's local culture. By first traveling through the streets of Hong Kong in Peter Cookson Smith's drawings, one gets a sense of Hong Kong' dynamic cultural landscape.
Similarly, SoCO's photographic exhibit and art installation on ten traditional shops in Sham Shui Po remind us of a fast disappearing community culture that should be treasured, as well as those marginalised people living in the community who should be respected and cared for.
Finally, a dozen senior student projects from the Associate of Social Science in Leisure and Tourism Management Programme, Community College of City University, show us creative ways in which Hong Kong's customs and traditions, and built or natural heritage can be preserved and conserved to benefit the city.
The "Hong Kong's Cultural Heritage" exhibition is spearheaded by CACHe, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, and The Dragon Garden Charitable Trust. Both organizations promote heritage and cultural conservation through community education and participation.
Come experience Hong Kong's Cultural Heritage, which forms an integral and necessary part of our local identity.
- 施倍德博士的街道文化寫生展覽
- 香港社區組織協會的社區文化展覽-活在系列(二):活在西環
- 香港城市大學專上學院 社會科學學部的文化旅遊展覽
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香港地道文化展覽 展覽日期: 二零零七年六月九日 (星期六) 至八月八日(星期三) 開放時間: 六月九日至六月三十日 逢星期二至星期六,由上午十時至下午六時
展覽地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 (香港西營盤西邊街 36A 後座) Date: 9th June, 2007 - 8th August 2007 Opening Hour: June 9 to June 30 Tuesday to Saturday, from 10:00am - 6:00pm Venue: Conservancy Association Centre of Heritage ( Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong ) Website: www.cache.org.hk
展覽期間其他活動 (1) 康樂及旅遊管理課程學生工作坊 - 由理念到現實 日期: 六月九日(星期六) (2) 主題講座 日期: 六月二十三日(星期六) 講者:施倍德博士 (專業規劃師) - Urban Re-generation (3) 西區文化旅遊 (由長春社文化古蹟資源中心主辦) 日期: 七月七日(星期六) (4) 活在西環 (由長春社文化古蹟資源中心及香港社區組織協會合辦) 日期: 七月二十一日(星期六) 另有教師學生工作坊等,容後公佈。 查詢請致電長春社文化古蹟資源中心 何耀生 2291 0238 HONG KONG'S CULTURAL HERITAGE EXHIBITION - Thematic Talk
Hong Kong Culture Exhibition - Living Series: Living in the Western District
Society for Community Organization held an exhibition in a 40-year-old building at 117, Kweilin Street Shamshuipo between April and May. The multi-media cultural exhibition showcased cultural in old districts, the livelihood of the vulnerable communities and history and characteristics of traditional cottage industries.
The Living Series
SoCO is organizing another exhibition at the other side of the harbour, facing West Kowloon - the Western District. Hong Kong Culture Exhibition - Living Series II: Living in the Western District. We also choose an old building to be our exhibition venue for the multi-media exhibition. The former staff quarters of Tsan Yuk Hospital a, Grade III historic building. Since constructed in 1922, the hospital has a rich history, witnessed our social and economic development and changes of people's livelihood.
The Living Series aims to use different documentation methods and artistic interface to explore community culture. Indeed, different community has different local culture. By using the Living Series, SoCO lights up some unique social organizations and bodies, recording local cultural phenomenon.
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Old District Culture in Living in West Kowloon Series
SoCO cooperated with different visual and installation artists to reflect the faces and living of the vulnerable groups in an old building through photographers, old furniture and folded nylon bed. Using new methods to showcase culture in old districts in West Kowloon.
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Inheritance and extension of local and traditional culture
Tsan Yun Hosptial is a maternity hospital, mainly to provide maternity and post-natal services. Between 1922 and 1955, countless number of babies were born in this hospital. By having an exhibition in this hospital, we hope Hong Kong's local culture will be, liked this building, preserved and extended.
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Living in the Western District's Oral History
Appreciating old architecture is not only about their asethic value. More importantly, it is about the history and the rich stories the building holds. We believe many touching and unforgettable stories about the people in the Western District have taken place in this building. We hope this exhibition will help you to find those involve in these stories, understand their living. Begin with Living in the Western District's
Oral History, we stimulate community participation.
Living in the Western District Local Culture Exhibition begins at 36A, Western Street, Sai Ying Pun, Former Staff Quarters of Tsan Yuk Hospital
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查詢請致電 香港社區組織協會 霍天雯 2713 9165
長春社文化古蹟資源中心 何耀生 2291 0238
- 長春社文化古蹟資源中心
- 香港社區組織協會
- 施倍德博士
- 香港城市大學專上學院康樂及旅遊管理課程
- 龍圃慈善基金
The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, CACHe
The Dragon Garden Charitable Trust
Division of Social Studies, Community College of City University, CCCU
Peter Cookson Smith
Society for Community Organization, SoCO