


其實係睇你去邊隻hamman.我之前去marrakesh時見到有d hamman 係專俾tourist, 果d最平都150蚊, 果d就咩都唔駛帶
我就去左個俾local人的hamman, 果度要自己帶毛巾
i just back from Morocco for a wk.....
i hv tried once in Chefchaouen there......
it's really really traditional as i think.......
coz many local ppl there to hv that........

in fact u DONT need to bring anything.......
when u get in there.......
take off everything like go to swim........ just keep ur underwear on!!!!!!
then they'll give u 2 buckets for the hot water........
pour hot water on ur body........ feel so good!!!!!!!!!
coz there's stream within the room.........

a prof. man will help u to massage as another part of Hammam.......
so relax after that.......

charge 50Dh for whole Hammam.........
if just hot water shower by urself....... 7Dh only!!!!!!!